National Maritime College
Boating education and training.
The National Maritime College is committed to providing a great learning experience. Our learning options are structured to help you study in ways which suit your circumstances and needs.
Also known as face-to-face learning, classes allow you to learn in a small group environment, with practical sessions and open discussions, all of which can be completed over a set time frame. Class sizes and duration will vary according to program, but usually small groups of 1-12 per class delivered over blocks of 1-2 week periods. Start and finish times vary depending on the course/program. You can expect busy full days of training usually running on a Monday-Sunday cycle. This is a great way for regional people to take advantage of classroom resources and to spend time with qualified maritime trainers.
Our courses and programs often include an online theory or pre-course learning exercises, delivered via our learning management system. Online delivery gives you the flexibility to fit your study around your
existing commitments while still having the
support of maritime experts no matter where you live.
How it works
As an online student you will be provided with:
All you need is a computer or mobile device with internet access, and you're ready to go!
Due to the practical hands-on nature of boat training if you opt for the online program, or the workshop learning method, practical on water assessment will be a key component of your training. Depending on the course/program your are undertaking practical can include day and night assessments. Practical sessions are scheduled in advance throughout the year at a range of different locations. Options include week day and weekend dates for students to choose from. Upcoming practical assessment dates and locations are published via the online learning management system.
We believe each student should be assessed individually to provide a more personal learning experience and to ensure effective assessment of practical skills. Practical sessions are conducted individually or in small groups of 3-5 depending on the course or program.
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