Women driving boat
Learn boating before taking the helm

Assessments and Results

All assessments delivered by the National Maritime College comply with internationally recognised boating practices and may include observation, oral and written questioning, online activities and both individual and group work tasks to validate ability. Your trainer will inform you about how and when assessments will occur for your course. We follow task-ability assessment practices where assessments are marked deemed as 'Proficient' or 'Not Proficient'. In the event that you are deemed 'Not Proficient', additional support will be provided to help you to complete the particular unit and prepare for an additional assessment. For theory assessments you may be deemed 'Satisfactory' or 'Not Satisfactory'.

Where a learner has been assessed three (3) times and is still Not Satisfactory or Not Proficient re-assessment fees will apply. Re-assessment fees vary depending on the course or program.

Learning activities and assessments will vary depending on the course or program you undertake. Practical assessments are mandatory for most courses.

Assessment Appeals

If you are not satisfied with the assessment process or your assessment result, you may appeal the decision. Please speak with your trainer or contact the College on 1300 723 112 for assistance.

Course Transcripts, Certificates of Proficiency and Statements of Completion

Once we have checked and verified your assessment results we will send you an email to confirm you have passed. You should receive your course transcript (course result), Course Completion Certificate or a Certificate of Proficiency in the mail within 3-7 days. Extra copies of course transcripts can be arranged by contacting the College. There is cost for replacement Certificates. Course completion certificates are documents (like a certificate) which we we issue as a record the training you have done as part of a course or part of a course module.

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